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How do you write a dissertation: tricks that can come on handy

Plan an overall schedule for your work

Make your plan backwards from the submission date and break down your dissertation topic into stages. Follow the following steps

  • Begin with your literature review
  • Ponder upon your methodology
  • Distinguish your primary and secondary sources
  • Write down notes simultaneously
  • Analyze and then organize your material
  • Write all the information you gathered
  • Check and proof-read in the end

Make an advance appointment of yourself with your work related to the dissertation. Choose a specific day or time. Do the difficult task at that time of the day when you are mental and physically fresh. In addition, do the easier ones when you are slightly tired but not exhausted.

Remember to structure your dissertation

Dissertation is based on research that is either qualitative or quantitative. Organize it in the following manner

  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Review of Literature
  4. Methodology
  5. Results and analysis
  6. Discussion
  7. Conclusion
  8. Bibliography and appendices

Understand a dissertation as being a collective series of linked detailed essay. Every individual chapter has its own purpose but is dependent on the whole of the content to make sense and so that they contribute to the argument. Do not worry about having the same length of essays. Their length can vary. It is just that the material needs to be authentic.

Start Writing

This is most probably going to be the longest piece of writing that you have ever encountered. It is not necessary that you start with an introduction. Start off with the topic that you find the most interesting and are easier comparatively. Write your chapter, go through it thoroughly, and then re-draft if necessary. Make sure to write your references properly.

Go through your material and see if there are any mistakes

This would take a lot of your time but it will be worth it. Make sure your presentation is spectacular. It really matters. Give a very professional appearance to your dissertation.

Make sure you do not rush through it. Most students usually understand the concept but they implement it in such a poor manner. Do not pressurize yourself with making everything perfect. Just ensure that you are able to get your point across. Do not take long at the initial stages, keep a balance, and distribute your attention equally. Make all your effort count.
